Wonderful Wednesday

on 4/3/12 9:35 pm, edited 4/3/12 9:54 pm - Farmville, NC
RNY on 01/11/12
Good morning my OFF family.

Yes, I've been missing in action, but.. I am still one of the working poor, and I have been very busy with work, no excuse, so I decided this morning, I am going to say hi.

My trip to Vegas was fun and I enjoyed the Elvis wedding. 

Got my tax information gathered and to my accountant yesterday.. Yea!

One of my clients has been consuming a lot of my time (I am thankful), but it is difficult to allocate time when they think they are the only client you have.

My weight loss was at a standstill for the past wee****il I realized I was retaining water.  Too much sodium in my diet.  I am back on track and the scales showed I lost 2 pounds from yesterday, yes I know it was water weight, but it's gone. 

I had a cancer screening last week with the dermatolgist.  He found a pre-cancerous spot on my back and froze it.  He also recommended Cerave for dry skin.  If you have dry skin, I recommed that you give this stuff a try.  I had a cyst on my left cheek that had been there for a couple of years.  He surgically removed it yesterday.  I thought it was a little place but it looks like the incision was about 1+ inches long.   The left side of my face is very tender and a bit swolen this morning.  Stitches out in a week.

I am headed to my coastal home this weekend and looking forward to sunrise service on the beach.  All in all, life is good.   I am sending prayers for everyone. 

Patricia R.
on 4/3/12 10:10 pm - Perry, MI
 Good Morning Linda and OFF Sisters,
Linda, I am glad you were able to catch the precancerous stuff on your back.  I had a cycst on my lower lip once, and had to have it removed surgically.  I know how tender that area can be.  

I was glad to read that Vickie's family was not affected by the tornadoes in Texas.  Praying for her daughter, and grandson.

Today has me taking care of my body some more.  First, my colonoscopy went well yesterday.  Doc found nothing to be concerned about.  This morning, I am headed to the pain doctor for a shot in my back.  Then, this afternoon, I have physical therapy again.  I won't be heading back to PT again, till I come home from Michigan.  So Simi, my therapist, is giving me more exercises to do while I am away.  I am seeing improvement, I think.  

I hope everyone has a blessed day.  Prayers for all who need them.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 4/3/12 11:48 pm - Bradenton, FL
 Today I am playing mommy for a few days. I have 2 boys this time my 2 yr old again and a five yr old his brother. maddox. I just got back from taking Maddox to school. papa is picking up Maddox this afternoon.
Prayers out for Vickie and her family. 
Passover is starting on Friday and I dont like that holiday so Im not planning on anything. to much food around!!!!!
My life is crazy this week!!!!!
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Connie D.
on 4/4/12 3:24 am
Good morning Linda and everyone.....

Please keep the prayers, vibes etc. coming for my family. I can't discuss the situation at this time. Nothing can be posted on the Internet. Jamie, Nic and Grace are okay....for now. As soon as I can I will let you know what happened.

I am very excited about Carrie and my grandchildren coming to visit tomorrow. That will help me a lot. I just went grocery shopping and got their favorite things of course!!! I also got a birthday cake for Kyleigh and Amanda. A little early but I won't be with them on their birthdays. This is the next best thing!! I love them all so much!!

I am heading out soon to go tanning. That is my one quiet and relaxing time. The heat is so good for my achy body!

Wishing you all a wonderful day. Prayers for many in need.

Love and hugs to all.....connie d

Nancy H.
on 4/4/12 5:10 am - Traverse City, MI
Good afternoon all.  Vicki, my heart goes out to you. I will pray for peace in your family.  Linda, take care of yourself. Seems like all of us are dealing with some things.

Connie, I hope & pray things work out for you & the girls. We love our kids so much, it seems to affect us more than them.

Today has been a great day for me. Lots of energy. I don't know why, but I will take it. I ordered new glasses today.   It will be odd to see halfway ok again. One of the tumors was touching my optic nerve. I have a ct scan on Monday afternoon, so I should know more next week. Have a wonderful day!!!!! Nan

Vicki, glad you weren't in the storm!
Eileen Briesch
on 4/4/12 5:49 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Linda and my OFF family:

Just chilling today. My new cat sitter is coming in a little while and I had to clean up a little. I am a slob and I don't want her to see so much of my sloppiness.

I'm very tired today, which is usual after working five days. Yesterday wasn't bad at all. The designer, Kristen, and I worked very well together. We were done with the Kentucky paper by 9:30 (deadline is 10:30). So then we helped a bit with the Evansville paper. We were out of there by 11. Woke up coughing once last night ... should've used my inhaler but took cough meds instead, played a little solitaire and went to sleep finally and slept til noon when the phone rang. Having some money troubles (when am I not?). Hope to resolve it soon.

Tired and headachy and out of sorts ... but there's  baseball on tonight, so that's good. I have two days off, work one day and then I'm off for a week. Yee-haw!

Glad Vickie and family are OK ... hope Connie will be OK, too. Hang in there. Linda, glad you got the skin check ... I should do that. I had some serious sunburns when I was young. I'm so fair, now I don't go out in the sun without sunscreen ... but back then, we didn't know any better. I have heard of Cerave ... I use Aveeno because it's fragrance free ... I'm very sensitive to fragrances. Did you know it's important to get enough water so your skin is nourished too?

Have a good day everyone.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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